Buckwheat & Blackbean Pie

Suitable for dairy free, gluten free, and vegetarian diets.*

Makes 2089 g.

Previous-night preparation

Soak blackbean and buckwheat

250 g black beans (black beans turtle) This is dry weight - double weight when soaked overnight
125 g buck wheat This is dry weight - double weight when soaked overnight
15 ml coconut oil
100 g onions
10 g garlic
3 g mixed herbs
30 ml tamari
65 g tomato purée
30 g tapioca flour
65 ml vege stock
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1000 g kumera
3 g cinnamon
3 g tumeric
15 ml olive oil
salt to taste
pepper to taste

Fine chop Onion and Garlic Saute onions & garlic in oil till softened, add mixed herbs, tamari, Tamari, tomato purree, S & P, vege stock and tapioca flour, vege stock Put in a baking dish and top with kumera topping. Bake until hot TOPPING:Cook kumera, Mash all ingredients together, season. Add 50ml kumera Water per kilo kumera to moisten


* Dietary flags are set by the recipe's author, and are not verified. Please double-check the ingredients yourself, especially if you have allergies.